The work is designed for gift paper. In terms of friendship, it means the continuous interaction between each other. And when it comes to firm friendship, it always shows the complicated emotions passed through mixed feelings of joy and grief. Our interaction influence each other, keeping adjusting ourselves, and ending up accomplishing ourselves and our best friend.
The firm friendship won’t fade away over times or places, not even mention to the faults we have. These negative factors manifest the precious friendship instead.
Designer / Chun-Ta Chu 朱俊達
Photography / Chuan-Shun Huang 黃詮順
Client / Paper Beauties Orient-"Ceremony Paper" Pattern Design Invitation Exhibition
采憶紙品 - 日本環保佳樂紙 76 g/m2

The 4rd Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2017 - Selected
The 18th Platinum Originality International University Students Graphic Design Competition 2017 - Merit Award
Paper Beauties Orient-"Ceremony Paper" Pattern Design Invitation Exhibition"Back to the Origins: Taking a Look at the Development of Chinese Style Design from Past to Present" 100-Artist Exhibition