THE DELIGHT OF Chinese Character Festival 2018 —— Haohan Marketplace
好漢玩字 2018 —— Haohan Marketplace
The Peach Blossom Spring depicted by Tao Yuanming is free, quiet, and a place without worries. In addition, it is a place that cannot be found again once a person departs from it. Similar to the country of Wakanda in the Marvel universe, The Peach Blossom Spring is a world of independent, highly developed civilization. As visitors depart from the technology-oriented Pond of Typos and arrive at the bustling Haohan Marketplace, they will witness the most fashionable site of The Peach Blossom Spring, a place where many well-known brands originated. In The Peach Blossom Spring, a place that believes in the religion of Chinese characters, these brands do not exist in languages outside of Chinese, and the design of the brand names is carefully crafted. Therefore, walking through the streets of The Peach Blossom Spring and seeing the various brand names is a unique experience. Come visit the Haohan Marketplace. You may see a brand that you know before!
▒ Credit
策展人Curator /宋政傑 Cheng Chieh Sung
設計 Designer/宋政傑 Cheng Chieh Sung、李宇恩 Li yuen
文案 Copywriter/宋政傑 Cheng Chieh Sung、李宇恩Li yuen、羅智如 Alicia
攝影 Photography/洪子傑 HUNG TZU CHIEH
參展團隊 Participants/洋蔥設計OnionDesign Associates、林芳平 Fang Ping Lin、林婉筑 East Lin、徐毅驊 Hsu YiHua、楊永達Dustin Yang、蔡南昇Cai Nan、牛子齊 Desiree Niu 、朱俊達 Chun-Ta Chu、倪嘉隆Nio Ni
特別感謝 Special thanks/文鼎字體
►展覽日期/2018/11/1(四)—— 2018/12/02(日)